NGL, it's time

to make history!

From the OG Based Dev @devisbased – Back from the

Crypto Dead

Meme Like You Mean It

Pair of Eyes




NGL, it's a meme coin – and damn proud of it! So, slap on your meme face and shill hard on your socials, 'cause even the team's in on it.

One Billion Tokens, One Dollar Dreams

Peep this – with only 1 billion tokens up for grabs, we're gunnin' for that sweet $1 mark. And hey, we ain't about that tax life. Just a smooth 1% on buys and sells for marketing, 'cause our dev's too based to farm. Ya dig?

75% Liquidity

15% Airdrop for rekts

8% Dev frens and family AKA KOLs

2% Based Dev
